One District One Product scheme:
One District One Product scheme has been started in 2018 by the Ministry of Food Processing Industries.
The intention of the scheme is:
· To help district reach its full potential
· To foster economic and socio-cultural growth and
· To create employment opportunities; especially in rural areas
The scheme will provide for value chain development and aligned support structure. It could be perishable agricultural product also. For agricultural products, support for their processing and along with the efforts to reduce wastage will be taken up.
For many districts though the products have been approved concrete action has not been taken up to make the project a success. The activity has not been carried till the end. For instance; in Fatehabad district of Haryana, citrus fruit has been approved as one product. SHG women have been selected for training in processing of the citrus fruit. They have also been imparted training in the Hisar agricultural university. However the project has not been presumed there after.
Many such instances are there in the country when those projects have been stopped in mid-way. In this was the implementation is not taking place properly. ODOP is one programme which can really change the scenario of marketing of a product in the district. So we need to peruse this programme till the end point to make it a success.